It’s January and that means that it is time to look back at 2024 and see what was accomplished from the to-do list. Which projects were finished and which projects will get rolled over onto the 2025 list. Are there some projects that will get put on the back burner? That list seems to grow every year - Oops! And are there some new projects that will be added to the 2025 list?
Looking back the 2024 list comprised nine projects - only three of which were actually finished. Ugh! Those three projects were the Swoon quilt that I made for Ruby,

the Space Quilt that I made for Finn,

and a Patriotic table topper that I made for myself.

So that doesn’t sound like a very successful year except for the fact that I did make at least some progress on four other projects. Those projects were the three kits that I purchased from Connecting Threads Stash n Save deals and my EPP project. I also spent quite a bit of time on three projects that I added to the list - the stamped cross-stitched quilt blocks that were partially finished by my neighbor, Elvera. In addition I completed four small projects that were new to the list - the wool mittens, the cross-stitch sleds, the framed and quilted cross-stitch piece, and the pillowcase that I made for Ruby. That leaves two projects that were not touched - the jelly roll rug and the Cupcake Mix #1 pattern with Moda charm squares.
So the 2025 list starts with the two projects that were ignored last year - the jelly roll rug and the Cupcake Mix #1. I have yet to do anything with the jelly roll rug project but have high hopes that I will this year. My quilting friend, Vicki (who is a master jelly roll rug maker), offered to help me get started and I need to take her up on that. I have the jelly roll rug tool as well as a lot of scrap batting. I just need to choose the fabric.

I have, however, gotten started on the Cupcake Mix #1 project. This particular paper-pieced pattern makes two sizes of half-square triangles out of 5” squares (aka charm squares). The half-square triangles are then arranged into blocks and stitched together. The last time I did a Cupcake Mix project I made a table runner and a table topper. That may be my plan this time, too, but we’ll see when I get all of the blocks done. I had two packages of Moda Christmas Past charm squares in my stash and just needed to add some background fabric. I found just the right subtle Christmas print at the Quilt Stitches after-Christmas sale so I could finally begin this project. I have all of the paper pieces stitched. Now I am cutting them up, pressing the half-square triangles, and removing the paper.

Three of the six projects that are being rolled over from last year’s list are the kits that I purchased from Connecting Threads. The Written By The Stars and Charming Wonder quilts are ready for the long arm. I started the Stars quilt last summer and it proved to be a fairly labor intensive project due to all of the star points. The Wonder quilt was much easier to put together. The third kit is called Every Which Way. I have almost all of the pieces cut out. I’m just waiting for a new slot ruler to arrive to replace my old worn out one as I have 54-1 1/2” strips to cut.

The other three projects are the stamped cross-stitch blocks that I have been working on. The yellow flower blocks are ready to put together into a quilt top.

I also have five of the 30 purple flower blocks completed.

And there are 10 of the 17 circle of flowers blocks completed.

Since I have been spending time in the evenings working on these projects I decided to put my EPP project on the back burner. As a result it did not make the 2025 list.
A new project that I added to the list is another Connecting Threads kit - the Holly Jolly Tree Skirt. I have been wanting to make a new tree skirt for a while now since the one I made many years ago is faded and not in good shape. I have had another pattern stashed away but it would take quite a bit of work. When this kit came up on sale I decided to go with this option instead. I stitched it together one morning a few weeks ago and it, too, is ready for the long arm.

One more new project is a dinosaur quilt that I will make for Henry. I just hope he is still in his dinosaur phase when I get it finished? I found an adorable pieced pattern by Elizabeth Hartman that I was able to order and download on my computer. After studying the pattern I am realizing that it may be more challenging than I first thought. And the biggest challenge will be choosing the right fabrics. Still - I’m excited to get it started .

So for the 2025 to-do list I have chosen ten projects. Sounds a bit ambitious since I wasn’t able to check many projects off of last year’s list. But I am hopeful that this year will be better. Since our schedule has slowed down drastically since the new year began I have actually gotten a pretty good start. Stay tuned to keep track of my progress.