The last three months have just flown by and it is no wonder as the time has been filled with lots of fun events. We celebrated several April birthdays - Henry Thomas, Lindsay, Tom, and Anson. We showered Lindsay with gifts for the baby at two locations - one in Muscatine, Iowa and the other in Omaha. We cheered on our nephew to the Class A State Soccer Championship. Lindsay and I enjoyed the Brooks and Dunn concert in Omaha which included Scotty McCreery as the opener. And then Tom and I took trips to Mackinac Island, Door County, Wisconsin, Minneapolis, and Pella, Iowa. So did I get any sewing done? Oh yes I did! I even checked one project off my to-do list. Woohoo!
That project was a quilt kit that I purchased from Connecting Threads that I intended to donate to my Quilt Guild’s charity project. Since I had three quilts that were made by my mom to donate this year I decided to make this quilt for Lindsay. It was perfect for her because the pattern is called Almost and she dubbed herself the Almost Queen when she was named the Iowa Czech Queen Runner-up a few years ago. The fabric in the kit consisted of dark solids in black, blue, and green with pops of color in burgundy and hot pink. I decided to make this project even more fun by quilting an all-over heart design called Pieces of My Heart in hot pink thread. I also chose a backing that has a black background with brightly colored bubbles in pink, yellow, green, and blue. I just love the way it turned out!

Another quilt that I finished recently was one that wasn’t on the list as I didn’t decide to make it until we found out that Baby Dawson was going to be a boy. For Lindsay and Dustin’s wedding I made them a king-size quilt from the Interwoven pattern by Lo and Behold Designs using a variety of blues as well as white solids. I ended up with a lot of leftover 1 1/2” strips so decided to make a crib -size version for our new baby. I wrapped it up for Lindsay to open at her baby shower in Omaha. It was a fun surprise for her!

I was hoping to finish Baby Dawson’s Christmas stocking by the end of June but then realized that unless he was born by then I wouldn’t know his name. So while I wait for the big event to happen I still have the outlining and French knots to add to the design. At least all of the cross-stitch - except for the name - is finished so the end is in sight! Those stockings are quite labor-intensive but oh so fun to do.

I also made a little progress on two of the projects on my to-do list. One was the Swoon quilt that I’m making for Ruby. The pattern is called Swoon Sixteen by Camille Roskelly because it features 16 blocks that measure 16”. I’m actually making twenty however as I wanted it to be a bed-size quilt. The first block that I made was an adventure and will warrant a blog of its own in the next few months. Once I got the pattern figured out though it was smooth sailing and I was able to complete four blocks. Can’t wait to see how this quilt comes together.

The second project that I worked on recently was the scrap quilt that I’m making to donate. I needed a break in the middle of working on the Swoon blocks so grabbed the container holding the fabric for this quilt and quickly stitched 19 border blocks. They turned out nicely as I used the same stitch-and flip method that I used in the Swoon quilt.

In addition to my quilt projects I made new curtains for the garage. Tom requested a curtain for the west window in the new shed so I took the one in the garage, cut it in half, and hemmed it to hang there as it was always too small for the garage window. Then we found new fabric for the window in the garage. An easy project to whip up as it didn’t have to be too fancy!

I also stitched 18 customer quilts - two of which were from start-to-finish - as well as ten Quilts of Valor. So it has been three months of accomplishments in the sewing room and lots of fun in other places. It will be fun to see what the next three months bring.