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A Unique Update

Time once again to check the to-do list and take stock in what I have accomplished during the months of April, May, and June this year. I normally report on these activities the first part of July but I was a bit occupied at that time and was unable to post any blogs. More on that adventure later. So here I am - a month late - trying to get caught up. And it appears that I spent most of my time during the second quarter of this year working on customer quilts and Quilts of Valor as I only completed one project from my list.

The project that I finished though was a big one and had a deadline of June 12 as it was the quilt that I made for Lindsay and Dustin’s wedding gift. As I noted in a couple of previous blogs the pattern was called Interwoven by Lo and Behold Stitchery and was chosen by Lindsay. I had a lot of fun picking out the colors and sewing the blocks together into this king-size quilt. I then stitched an all-over heart design called Swirly Gig in white thread to complete this special quilt. Lindsay and Dustin were thrilled with the way it turned out.

Another project that I made progress on was the table runner for Melissa. And when I say that I made progress on it I really mean that I recruited my mom to do most of the work. Does that still count? I was so thankful that she agreed to cut and stitch each of the five blocks. After that I stitched them together into the top. I also prepared a backing and batting so it is ready for the long arm whenever I am able to work on it. I just need to figure out the quilting design.

I also began work on my latest English Paper-Piecing (EPP) project. Since finishing Dustin’s cross-stitch Christmas stocking I had time in the evening to devote to this new project. Since there are 941 hexagons to prepare for this Trip Around the World quilt it may be a project that keeps me busy for quite awhile. That won’t be much of a problem since I don’t have a deadline for this quilt or even any idea what I’m going to do with it when it is finished.

As I mentioned earlier the majority of my time during the second quarter of this year was spent working on 17 customer quilts and nine Quilts of Valor. My goal was to catch up on as many of these quilts as I could since we had a couple of big events happening in June. Lindsay and Dustin’s wedding on June 12th was a spectacular weekend filled with wonderful times with family and friends. I then spent the last part of the month at UNMC in Omaha getting rid of my second bout of cancer that had been diagnosed the first part of April. The good news is that all of the cancer was removed and no additional treatment will be needed. The challenging news was that I couldn’t sit up more than 30 degrees for six weeks following the surgery. I did discover that I could stitch on my EPP project in that reclining position so I was glad that I had made a little kit with my supplies to take to the hospital. That also served as a great conversation starter one afternoon with one of my surgeons when I discovered that she was a quilter too.

Be sure to check in to my next update blog in October when I fill you in on my accomplishments in July. It was like no month that I’ve ever had before!



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