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More Mesmerizing Memorabilia

A few weeks ago I did a blog on some of the most meaningful things that I have in my sewing room. Some of them are functional while others are simply great memories of past experiences. As I was taking pictures of the items for that blog I noticed so many more fun things that I have in my sewing room that make it such an inviting place to be every day.

Coffee mugs - I am not a coffee drinker so I use these special mugs to store items such as fabric markers, pens and pencils, and erasers. I also have several that I just use as decoration. They have come from Irving Middle School, Dana College, St. Olaf College, as well as several quilt stores.

Bulletin board - this is full of family pictures, ribbons, pictures of quilts, and little odds and ends that I have picked up along the way.

Wooden ironing board - I bought this cute antique child’s ironing board at a garage sale a few years ago for $1. I had thought about putting it outside in my garden but It most likely would have been ruined by now. I’m glad I opted to put it in my sewing room as it is the perfect decoration and I have some fun little quilts and wooden decorations that I set on it throughout the year.

Wooden basket - I love baskets and often pick up fun and unique ones at garage sales. I found this wooden one several years ago and it works perfectly to store some of my fat quarters - it is both functional and decorative!

Laundry basket - Lindsay received a similar laundry basket as a graduation gift and when I found this one I knew it would be a cute way to store batting scraps. I have a hard time throwing things away in my sewing room - several people who know me well are thinking that was an understatement! I often have a use for smaller batting pieces whether it is for quilted postcards or quilt tops. By stitching the smaller pieces together I then have what I need for my quilt tops.

Wooden Scissors - this fun wall decoration was made by Zion Lutheran Pastor Jerry Gilbreath and given to me by a former piano student, Catie Reed. Pastor Gilbreath is quite an accomplished woodworker and makes all kinds of amazing things. This piece was the perfect addition to my sewing room.

Clock - Tom gave me this clock for Christmas a few years ago after the one I had no longer worked. He is really good at searching for unique gifts that I didn’t know I wanted and this was so much better than just an ordinary clock.

Calendar - I have purchased a wall calendar from AQS for many years because I just love the gorgeous pictures. These quilts have been award winners at AQS shows and they provide a lot of inspiration for me. I also use the calendar to make note of upcoming appointments and just to help me keep track of what day it is!

Framed Cross-Stitch - my mom made this for me and the saying just makes me happy every time I look at it. I think of her as well as my three daughters.

Metal Wreath - this wreath was an estate sale find from my quilting friend, Velma, and is full of musical instruments. It is a fun reminder of my life outside of the quilting room as a music educator.

Knick-Knack Shelf #1 - This fun little shelf holds all kinds of little wooden items which I change out during the year depending on the season including Halloween, Christmas, and Easter. Currently I have displayed my sewing collection which includes wooden spools painted to commemorate Czech Days in Wilber.

Knick-Knack Shelf #2 - my dad built this shelf for me so that I could free up my cutting table in my old sewing room. When I moved into my new room the shelf came too and now holds all kinds of fun things - a clarinet pen that an Irving student made for me, a conductor that I bought in Germany, a Willow Tree figurine that I got from a friend when I had cancer, as well as Alex Gordon and Joba Chamberlain bobble heads, just to name a few.

The trend these days seems to be a more minimalist approach to decorating. I think I could manage that in every room in my house except for my sewing room. Since I spend so much time there I like to be surrounded by things that make me smile.


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