As my family knows quite well I am a list maker and a planner. I am much more comfortable when I can complete tasks and know what is going to happen in any given situation. As a result I love this time of the year when I can assess my accomplishments and evaluate what is in store for the coming year. A quick review indicates that 2019 was a success and there are fun projects to look forward to in 2020.
Last year I had ten UFO’s (Un-Finished Objects) on my list and I was able to check off nine of them. Two of those nine were projects that had been in my unfinished pile for several years - a cute Advent calendar and a star table topper. I also completed two projects that were not on my original list - the Dream Big panels that I did in preparation and for Melissa and Kevin’s wedding. In addition I deleted a project from the list - I didn’t see in the UFO rules that that was unacceptable!

The only project that I did not complete was one that has been in progress for the last five years. Maybe this is the year that it finally gets finished! It is an English Paper-Piecing quilt that is primarily done by hand so I tend to work on it only in the evenings when I am watching television. That is also the time, though, when I work on binding and cross-stitching projects so the EPP project most often takes a backseat.

My new projects for this year include three kits that I bought in 2019 but have yet to work on. One is a wool wall hanging for fall that I purchased at my quilt guild meeting when Sew Blessed, the quilt shop in McCook, NE, did the program. Another is a winter quilt that features a panel as the focus of the center. I purchased it when I was shopping at Quilt Stitches in Beatrice last month. It measures about 45” x 60”. The third kit is a small paper pieced wall hanging that I bought at a garage sale last summer for $1. I’m planning to hang it in my sewing room when I get it finished.

I also have two Christmas projects on which to work. A quilting friend of mine gave me cupcake papers and I won a pack of charm squares at a quilting workshop. These papers make 22 blocks out of the 5” squares that measure 6” x 6”. I’m planning to make a table runner out of them that I could possibly donate to my PEO chapter’s silent auction in October. I also have two snowman panels that would make cute pillows or wall hangings. Those items would also make great donations to the silent auction.

Also in the UFO list are 15 kitchen towels that I plan to decorate with fun appliqués for the Fourth of July, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas. I often use patterns found in the Art-to-Heart books that are so cute. These would make nice gifts all year around.

A challenging pattern that I have had for several years is called Flowers for my Wedding Ring from Brad and Judy Niemeyer of QuiltWorx. It is a paper-pieced project that uses two Bali Pops - a set of 48-2 1/2” strips. These tend to be on the pricey side so I had not yet committed to making this quilt. This summer, however, I attended an estate sale in Lincoln and picked up one Bali Pop for about 1/4 of the price. I then ordered a matching one from an on-line company so I am getting closer to being able to start this project.

I also have one more Dream Big panel in teal that I would like to make. This is actually the first color way that I purchased. I had a lot of fun with the first two that I quilted so I’m excited to see how this one turns out.
My final project for 2020 is a quilt that is this year’s challenge for the Panama Quilt Guild. We were given the task of making a quilt with any fabric of our choosing in a half-square triangle pattern called Solar Flare. I chose warm fat quarters from my stash in blues, greens, purples, corals, and golds and then purchased the beige background fabric. I have already completed the top and it is just awaiting a turn on the long arm quilting machine.

I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish from this list of fun projects in 2020. Do you make lists? How many projects do you have on your UFO list? Here’s wishing you lots of stitching in 2020!